Hello Friends , today i am going to tell you how to create a Bootable USB Pendrive/Flash Drive of windows xp , Windows 7 , Windows8 , 8.1 etc. using CMD (command prompt).To Create A Bootable USB Pendrive/Flashdrive you have to follow some simple steps listed below with images.
Steps To Create A Bootable USB Pendrive/Flashdrive :
Steps To Create A Bootable USB Pendrive/Flashdrive :
- Insert a USB Pendrive/Flashdrive into your running Computer/Laptop.
- Open a CMD (Command Prompt) Window as an administrator.
- After opening CMD (Command Prompt) Windows as an administrator. Type "Diskpart" In CMD (Command Prompt) Without quotes and Hit Enter.
- In the command line window that will appears similar to the picture provided below. To Determine the USB Pendrive/Flashdrive number or drive letter, Type "list disk" and Hit Enter. The "list disk" command will show all disks on the computer. Remember the Drive number /Drive letter of The USB Pendrive/Flashdrive
- At The CMD(command prompt),Type "Select Disk <1>", Where <1> is the Drive number /Drive letter of The USB Pendrive/Flashdrive that you remembered in the 4 step.
- Type "clean" Without quotes. And Hit Enter.This command deletes all the data in the USB Pendrive/Flashdrive
- To Create a new partition on the USB Pendrive/Flashdrive, Type "create part pri" Without quotes and Hit Enter
- To Select The partiton that you just created type "select part 1" without quotes and then Hit Enter
- To Format the Partition , Type " format fs=ntfs quick" without quotes and then Hit Enter
- When the format get completed ,Type "active" without quotes and Hit Enter.
- After that ,Type "exit" and Hit Enter.
- After following all the instructions step by step , copy all the windows files on the root of the USB Pendrive/Flashdrive.
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